Fate/Grand Order has a considerable amount of terms that are crucial for understanding the game’s mechanics. Having a knowledge of these terms and definitions can greatly improve the strategies and team compositions that Masters can utilize in quests.
In addition to this, it can also improve understanding of how to use The Wizard, a useful resource provided by Atlas Academy Discord Server which allows users to calculate the damage that a Servant can deal to enemies given certain buffs. The objective of this resource is to provide a quick and precise explanation of these terms.
This glossary will be divided in three categories: the first one will be a summary of abbreviations used in the game, the second one will be for gameplay related terminology, and the last will be focused on terms used in the FGO community.
For faster navigation, it is recommended to use Ctrl+F (Windows) or Command+F (MacOS).
- 2030 - A Fragment of 2030
- AoE - Area of Effect
- AP - Action Points
- BCE - Bond CE
- BG - Black Grail
- BL - Bella Lisa
- CC - Command Code
- CD - Cooldown
- CE - Craft Essence
- CLT/LT - Chaldea Lunchtime
- CQ - Challenge Quest
- CS - Command Spell
- DPS - Damage Per Second
- ESM - Enemy Server Mod
- EXP - Experience
- FC - Formal Craft or Facecard
- FL - Friend List
- FP - Friend Point
- FQ - Free Quest
- IK - Instant Kill
- IP - Imperial Privilege
- MA - Mage's Association Uniform
- MC - Mystic Code
- ML - Mona Lisa
- MLB - Max Limit Break
- MP - Mana Prism
- NP - Noble Phantasm
- NPC - Non-Player Character
- OC - Overcharge
- PL - Personal Lesson
- PM - Power Mod
- PP - Pure Prism
- PT - Personal Training
- QP - Quantum Piece
- RNG - Random Number Generator
- RP - Rare Prism
- SE - Super Effective Mod
- SL - Support List
- SQ - Saint Quartz
- ST - Single Target
- STR - Strengthening
- TA - Turn Attack
- TT - Chaldea Teatime
- USO - Unregistered Spirit Origin
1. Active Buffs
Active Buffs are effects placed on a Servant that enhance their stats (offensive or defensive). However, they require the activation of a skill or Noble Phantasm in order to be applied.
2. Action Point
Action Point refers to the stamina that allows Masters to start quests. 1 AP is restored every 5 minutes, and the maximum capacity will depend on the Master's Level. However, AP can be refilled using Bronze, Silver or Gold Fruits and Saint Quartz.
3. Alignment
Alignment is one the categories (along with classes, traits and attributes) in which Servants can be grouped together with others. A Servant's alignment is based on their personality or character (this doesn't always apply, so it's best to manually check each Servant's alignment).
Usually, alignments consist of two parts:
- One of Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic
- One of Good, Neutral, Evil
Almost every Servant has one alignment from each of the parts listed above, making a total of nine possible combinations. However, there are special alignments given to certain Servants: Insane (Berserker Servants who have lost their sanity), Bride (Nero Claudius Saber), or Summer (Summer Event Servants). Arjuna Alter is a special case because he is Lawful, Good, and Evil.
There are some Servants whose skills only affect allies who are of a specific alignment (such as James Moriarty's 3rd skill "Evil Charisma A") or Noble Phantasms that deal more damage to enemies that have a certain alignment (such as Sei Shonagon's NP "Emotional Engine - Full Drive"). There are also skills/effects that can grant an alignment to servants (such as James Moriarty's 2nd skill "End of the Spider's Web A+++").
4. Append Skill
Append skills are introduced with 6th Anniversary and are another way to enhance your servants. A1/A2/A3 refer to a servant's first/second/third append skills. Append skills follow these patterns:
A1: Cardtype mod for extra attacks
A2: Starting NP gauge
A3: Attack mod vs specific class for non-berserkers OR crit chance reduction vs specific class for berserkers
5. Attack Mod
Attack Mod or atkmod is the value by which the current attack value of the Servant is multiplied. Every Servant has their own unique attack value, which can be found in the Atlas Academy Database.
6. Attribute
Attribute is a mechanic that complements classes, traits and alignments. Currently, there are five attributes, with some having an advantage or disadvantage against others.
All Servants and enemies have an attribute, the criteria for attributes is as follows (this doesn't always apply, so it's better to check a Servant's attributes individually):
- Sky or Heaven: beings or entities possessing divinity.
- Earth: characters originated from stories, myths and legends.
- Man: historical figures who accomplished great feats as humans.
- Star: people who changed human history with their deeds.
- Beast: refers to the seven Beasts of Calamity existing in FGO lore.

7. Beast's Footprint
Beast's Footprint is an item that allows Masters to improve the base attack value of a Servant's card (except NP Cards). Each Servant card can be upgraded individually using this item.
8. Bronze Sapling
Introduced with the JP 25M DL Campaign, 1 Bronze Sapling and 40 AP can be converted to 1 Bronze (Blue) Apple. The apple restores 40 AP.
9. Buff
A buff is an effect applied to a Servant that improves their status, either defensively or offensively.
10. Cavalry class
A Cavalry class is a Rider, Caster, Assassin, or Berserker-type unit.
11. Card Mod
Card Mod or cardmod is the value that increases the default damage of a card type. Buster, Arts and Quick cards have differing base damages depending on the position in which they are placed. Cardmod multiplies these values.

It is important to keep in mind that NP cards are not affected by this chart, they will always use the same values of a first position regardless where you place them.
12. Chain
Chain is a gameplay mechanic that relies on card selection (normal and NP) during a turn. There are many types of chains, each with their own particular bonuses:
- Buster Chain: occurs when a Master picks three Buster cards in the same turn; this chain provides 20% flat bonus attack up to all participating cards, except NP cards.
- Arts Chain: occurs when a Master picks three Arts cards in the same turn, this chain provides 20% NP charge to all Servants that are participating in the turn.
- Quick Chain: occurs when a Master picks three Quick cards in the same turn, this chain provides 10 extra Critical Stars (20 on JP).
In these 3 cases, it doesn't matter if the cards are from the same Servant or not, the only requirement is that they have to be of the same card type.
Brave Chain: occurs when a Master picks three Cards of the same Servant in the same turn, allowing the Servant in question to perform a 4th attack called Extra Attack.
Mighty Chain: JP Only, occurs when a Master picks a Quick, an Arts, and a Buster card in the same turn in any order. All three cards will receive all three first card bonuses: +20% crit chance per card, +20% stargen, +100% NP gen, and +50% damage.
A Brave Chain can be potentially combined with any of the other chains, but this will depend on the individual Servant's card deck. For example, Heracles can use a BBB chain to enable a buster brave chain.
13. Challenge Quest
Challenge Quest is a special quest with a higher degree of difficulty than Free Quests, usually appearing in events and special campaigns. These quests are worthwhile for Masters to clear because its completion, in most cases, will provide a Crystallized Lore as a reward, an item used to raise a Servant’s skill level from 9 to 10.
14. Command Code
Command Code is an item that can be engraved to a Servant's card (except NP cards), providing special effects to the card in question when it's used in battle. These special effects will depend on each Command Code. To see the list of all CCs available in game, please refer to the Atlas Academy Database.
15. Command Spell
Command Spell is an absolute command that a Master can use during a battle. Masters can have a maximum of 3 Command Spells and they replenish at 00:00 JST (JP) and at 00:00 UTC (NA) at a rate of 1 per day.
One Command Spell is required to do one the following actions: fully restore one Servant’s HP or increase one Servant's NP gauge by 100%.
Three Command Spells are required to fully revive the entire team with full HP and NP gauges if everyone has been incapacitated. CE effects such as starbombs or Herc's Bond CE do not get refreshed.
16. Critical Damage
Critical Damage is a buff applied to normal cards (except NP cards) that allows a Servant to do more damage than usual. The default damage value of a Critical Attack is two times the damage of a normal attack. However, this value can be increased through active skills (such as Zhuge Liang's 1st skill "Discerning Eye A") or passive buffs.
16.1 Critical Star
Critical Star is an element present in battles, they drop when a Servant attacks an enemy and are gathered at the end of the turn. The number of critical stars dropped depends on the card type and the Critical Star generation each Servant possess. The value of a Servant's Critical Star generation rate can be modified with a skill (such as Lanling Wang's 3rd skill "Demonic Face EX") or a Craft Essence.
The purpose of Critical Stars in the game is to determine the probability of a card to deal Critical Damage, with 10 stars required for a card to increase that probability to 100%.
16.2 Critical Star Distribution
As mentioned previously, the collected Critical Stars are gathered and distributed at the end of the turn, in order to be used in the next one. The number of Critical Stars given to each card depends on three variables: the class star absorption default value, the luck stat of the Servant and star gathering skills (such as Xiang Yu's 1st Skill "Future Prediction A++").

According to this chart, Rider class Servants have the highest Critical Star absorption while classes such as Berserker or Avenger have less than average. So, if a party is composed of Rider and Avenger Servants, most of the critical stars will be absorbed by the Rider Servant’s cards.
17. Enemy Server Mod
Enemy Server Mod or esm is a value that determines the amount of NP gain a Servant will get when attacking an enemy, with these values changing based on enemy class.

According to this chart, when a Servant attacks a Caster class enemy, the attacker will get 20% extra NP gain than the default value (1.0). On the other hand, when the same Servant attacks a Berserker class enemy, the attacker will have a penalty of -20% NP gain from the default rate.
There are also some enemy types that provide a larger than average amount of NP gain when attacking them. An example are undead enemies providing 1.2x. However, this is not consistent: there are undead enemies that have the regular 1.0 multiplier.
18. Extra class
An Extra class is a non-Knight or Cavalry class: Ruler, Avenger, Moon Cancer, Shielder, Alter Ego, Foreigner, and Pretender.
19. First Card Bonus
The first command card in a turn grants all other normal attacks a bonus effect. Noble Phantasms can grant first card bonus but are unaffected by it.
Quick: +20% star generation rate. On JP, it also provides all cards in the turn +20% critrate.
Arts: +100% NP generation rate.
Buster: +50% damage.
20. Flat Damage
Flat Damage is a raw value that is added to the total damage dealt by a Servant. The difference between Flat Damage and other types of buffs is that Flat Damage is never multiplied by other values, it only gets added to the damage formula.
Example: Zhuge Liang’s 3rd skill (at Lvl. 10) provides 500 flat damage to the party.
21. Free Quest
Free Quest is a term that refers to all missions that don't include story cutscenes.
22. Friend Point
Friend Point is a currency in Fate/Grand Order used to roll in the Friend Point Summon gacha banner. They are obtained using Support Servants in quests and also through special events and campaigns. 10 FPs are earned when choosing a Servant from someone who is not in the Friend List, 25 FPs are gained from friends' Servants, while 200 FPs are gained from using NPC Servants during Main Quests. There are also Craft Essences that can modify the amount of FP you get: Beginning of the Journey increases your FP gain by 75 if you finish a node with it in the party.
23. Holy Grail Casting
Holy Grail Casting is introduced after completion of Tunguska Epilogue. 2000 servant coins may be exchanged to make 1 Holy Grail. This can be done twice a month.
24. Interlude
Interlude is a special side quest featuring specific Servants. The completion of an interlude rewards Masters with Saint Quartz and sometimes with a Skill or NP upgrade for the featured Servant.
25. Instant Kill
Instant Kill (IK) is a mechanic that allows a Servant or enemy to instantly kill an opponent unit with an attack or Noble Phantasm, regardless of the amount of HP remaining.
There are some Noble Phantasms (such as First Hassan's NP "Azrael") that have a high chance of applying the instant kill effect. However, the chance of this happening depends on two variables:
- Death Resistance Rate: every Servant and enemy has a unique default death resistance rate. However, this can be reduced through the use of active skills (such as Ryougi Shiki's 1st skill "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception A"), NP effects or Craft Essences.
- Death Success Rate: that means, the probability of the attack or Noble Phantasm instantly killing the enemy. This value can be increased through the use of active skills (such as Nitocris' 1st skill "Egyptian Magecraft A"), specific NP effects or Craft Essences.
Although both variables are similar, they differ in the way that the former is a factor that applies to enemy units while the latter applies to the unit that is attacking.
26. Knight class
A Knight class is a Saber, Archer, or Lancer-type unit.
27. Main Quest
Main Quest is a term that refers to all missions that include a story component, whether it be of the main FGO story or an event story.
28. Mana Prism
Mana Prism is a currency in Fate/Grand Order used to buy items in Da Vinci's Shop. They are obtained in daily missions, events, special campaigns and when a Master sells any 3* or higher rarity card (lower in Command Code's case) in Da Vinci's Shop.
29. Max Limit Break
Max Limit Break is a mechanic that applies to Craft Essences. Limit breaking happens when a CE is merged with another copy of the same CE to increase its maximum level cap. Masters can limit break up a CE up to four times, upon which a CE becomes Max Limit Broken and its effects are improved.
30. Memorial Quest
Memorial Quest is a special quest that appears in special events and features a Boss Battle from story chapters. In order to do a memorial quest, you must have beaten that corresponding story chapter.
31. NP Gain
NP Gain or NP Generation is a value that changes the amount of NP charge a Servant gains while attacking. This value can be modified by active skills and also depends on the class of the enemy being attacked.
For more information, please refer to Enemy Server Mod.
32. NP Mod
NP Mod or npmod (referred in-game as "NP damage up") is a buff that increases the damage of NP cards. This type of buff is provided by active skills and/or Craft Essences. This value doesn't affect normal cards.
33. Overcharge
Overcharge or OC is a mechanic that applies to Noble Phantasms and provides extra buffs or damage, depending on each Servant. NPs will be OC level 1 by default.
The OC level can be increased in two ways:
- Servants gain one OC level per 100% NP gauge (with this method, it is possible to reach OC level 3 due to NP5 Servants having a max NP gauge of 300%).
- If multiple NPs are used in the same turn, subsequent NPs after the first will gain one OC level each (giving a maximum of 2 OC levels on the 3rd NP).
The max OC level Servants can reach is 5. This can be achieved by placing a 300% charged NP card in 3rd position, preceded by another two NP cards. There are also certain Servant's skills (such as Thomas Edison’s 3rd skill "Concept Improvement A+") and Craft Essences (such as Devilish Bodhisattva) that can boost NP OC level.
It is important to highlight that OC level is a completely different mechanic from NP level. However, NP level can determine the max OC level a Servant can get, as only NP level 5 Servants can fill their NP gauge to 300%.
34. Overkill
Overkill is a mechanic that allows a Servant's card (normal or NP) to acquire 50% extra NP gain every time the attacker hits an enemy after its HP has already been reduced to zero. Overkill also increases the drop rate of Critical Stars which can be used in the next turn. This mechanic is one of the fundamentals of NP Looping.
For more information, please refer to NP Loop.
35. Overgauge
Overgauge is a mechanic that follows the same principle as the Overkill effect, the main difference being that Overgauge occurs when an enemy with multiple HP bars takes damage on the same turn after one of its HP bars has already been depleted.
36. Passive Buffs
Passive Buffs are effects given to Servants that improves or, in rare cases, degrades their stats (offensive or defensive). Passives don’t require the activation of a skill or Noble Phantasm in order to be applied. Each Servant has their own passive buffs which can be seen in the Atlas Academy Database.
37. Pity System
FGO's pity system activates on the 330th roll on a singular banner. You are guaranteed the banner servant by the 330th roll. You can only receive pity once per specific banner and the pity goes away if you pull the rate up SSR servant before the 330th roll.
38. Power Mod
Power Mod or PM is a special type of buff that increases the damage of both NP and normal cards. These are usually found (but not restricted to) event Craft Essences. In the case of event CEs, the Power Mod effect will only apply during the course of the event and only in quests from that event.
Power Mod can also be found in certain Servant's skills (such as Minamoto no Raikou's 3rd skill "Mystic Slayer A") or Noble Phantasms (such as Sei Shonagon's NP "Emotional Engine - Full Drive"). In both cases, Power Mod usually affects enemies of specific traits, attributes or alignments.
For more information, please refer to Trait, Attribute and Alignment.
39. Pure Prism
A limited resource obtained through story progression. It can be used to exchange for mats in the Pure Prism shop.
40. Push!
The Push functionality shows your favorite servant to your friends.
41. Servant Coin
Servant Coins are introduced during 6th anniversary and are used in a few different ways:
-They are used to unlock a servant's append skills (see Append Skill).
-They are used to grail past level 100.
-They can be converted to Holy Grails.
42. Spiritvein Stone / Leyline Stone
Spiritvein Stones function equivalently to a 3 Command Seal revive. They can only be used on Main Story Quests and have an expiration date. They are primarily given out during campaigns.
43. Super Effective Mod
Super Effective Mod or SE is a special value that modifies the damage of Noble Phantasms, meaning that this buff can't affect normal cards. Super Effective Mod usually applies to enemies with specific traits or alignments (that will depend of each Servant's description). To see which Servants have a Super Effective Mod in their NPs, refer to the Atlas Academy Database.
Example: Yu Miaoyi's (Lancer) Noble Phantasm "Anti-fling Rondo - Summer Demon's Spear of Certain Death" provides 150% Extra Damage to all male enemies.
The main difference between Power Mod and Super Effective Mod is that the former can affect both normal cards and NP cards and has a turn duration, while the latter only affects NP Cards and don't apply outside of them.
Example: Siegfried is the perfect case to illustrate the difference between these two terms. His powermod against dragons on his 3rd Skill "Dragon Slayer A++" has a duration of 3 turns and affects both normal and NP cards, but his Super Effective Mod against dragons only applies to his Noble Phantasm "Balmung" and won't apply outside of it. As they are different kinds of buffs, they stack multiplicatively to deal more damage.
44. Quantum Piece
Quantum Piece or QP is the base free currency of Fate/Grand Order, it is used to level up Servants, Craft Essences and Servant's skills. They can be earned after completing quests, burning cards in Da Vinci's shop, or as drops from most enemies in the game.
45. Rare Prism
Rare Prism is a unique currency in Fate/Grand Order used to buy special items in Da Vinci's Shop. They are obtained when a Master sells any 4* or 5* Servant, excluding welfares.
However, it also can be obtained in some particular cases, such as:
- Masters get 1 Rare Prism if an Event has a Costume Dress that has been previously acquired.
- Copies 6 to 10 of welfare Servants acquired during or after the 2020 Christmas Event Rerun (NA) will each give 1 Rare Prism upon acquisition, automatically arriving to the present box, burning is not required. Any welfare Servant acquired prior to that rerun will not give RP.
- Some limited time Master's Missions will reward with a Rare Prism (available only in special campaigns).
46. Saint Quartz
Saint Quartz is the premium currency of Fate/Grand Order, it is used for gacha rolls and can be used to refill the AP bar.
47. Strengthening Quest
Strengthening Quest (also called Rank Ups) is a special mission that give a Skill or NP upgrade to a specific Servant. The difference between Strengthenings and Interludes is that the former doesn't include a side-story while the latter is not guaranteed to give an upgrade.
48. Support List
Support List is a list of Servants that are available for other people to use in quests.
49. Trait
Trait is one of the categories (along with classes, attributes and alignments) in which Servants can be organized based on their characteristics. Traits are important in FGO gameplay because Servants have skills that can do extra damage if the enemy has a certain trait.
Example: Siegfried's 3rd Skill "Dragon Slayer A++" provides the following buffs.
- Increases own damage against Dragon enemies for 3 turns.
- Increases own defense against Dragon enemies by 30% for 3 turns.
- Increases own Buster performance for 1 turn
This means that when Siegfried activates his skill, he will deal extra damage to enemies that have the Dragon trait (Servants such as Artoria Saber, Sieg or enemies such as Wyverns have this trait).
There are also special active buffs that can only be applied if the ally Servant has a specific trait.
Example: Jason's 3rd Skill "Conquering the Distant Sea Routes with Friends B++" provides the following buffs:
- Charges the NP of Argo-Related allies except himself.
- Increases the critical damage of Argo-Related allies except himself for 3 turns.
- Increases the critical star generation rate of Argo-Related allies except himself for 3 turns.
This means that Jason's skill can only be applied to Servants that have the "Argo-Related" trait (Dioscuri, Atalante, Chiron, Paris, Caenis, Medea, Medea Lily, Circe, Asclepius, Heracles and Atalante Alter).
50. Unregistered Spirit Origin
Unregistered Spirit Origin is one of the rarest items in the game, it can be obtained when a Master summons the 6th copy of a 5* Servant, arriving directly to the present box, no burning required. From that point, further copies will each give 1 USO upon acquisition.
10 USOs are required to perform a Special Summon in Da Vinci's shop.
1. 3/3/x
3/3/x refers to a node where wave 1 has 3 enemies, wave 2 has 3 enemies, and wave 3 has some amount of enemies. This type of format can be extended to other node setups, such as 1/2/1 and 5/1/2.
2. 5S/6S/5CE/6CE
5S and 6S refers to the number of bonus CEs used in a composition. This is most commonly used during lottery events, where we refer to the number of bonus drop CEs in the team. For example, a 6S composition during the Battle in New York 2021 event has 6 Scenic Beauty CEs in the party.
3. 90+
90+ nodes are introduced during the Fate/Requiem Board Game Apocalypse and refers to the recommended level of the node. 90+ nodes oftentimes feature unorthodox node setups: the aforementioned Requiem 90+ node is a 3/1/1 node.
4. 2004
2004 is a term used to make reference to A Fragment of 2004 Mystic Code.
5. 2145 / 2150
2145 is a term used to describe Servants that have the following characteristics: 2000 Fou points, Servant Lvl. 100, Skill Lvl. 10 / 10 / 10, Bond Lvl. 10 and NP Lvl. 5.
2150 applies the same principle, but with Bond Lvl. 15 instead of 10.
6. Apple / Rapple
Apple is the common term used to make reference to Copper, Bronze (Blue), Silver, or Gold Fruits, which are used to refill AP in the game. Rapple (Rainbow Apple) refers to Saint Quartz used to refill the AP bar.
7. Battery
Battery is a term that makes reference to all skills that provide NP charge to a Servant, either via self-charge or a targetable skill. For example, Arash's S3 is a 30% NP battery.
8. Blue Apple
Officially called Bronze Apples, these are created when you spend 40 AP and 1 Bronze Sapling to make 1 Bronze/Blue Apple. The corresponding apple restores 40 AP, essentially "storing" the AP.
9. Bond Grail
Bond Grails refer to Lantern of Chaldea which are used to raise a servant's max bond level past level 10.
10. CE Bomb / CE Bombing
CE Bomb is a low rarity Craft Essence (1* or 2*) that has been raised using other low rarity CEs so it accumulates experience. These CE bombs are then used to raise high rarity CEs to max level (Lvl. 100 for 5* or Lvl. 80 for 4*).
CE Bombing is a method of leveling up Craft Essences using the least amount of QP as possible, it also allows Masters to save inventory slots for other CEs.
There is not a definitive step by step guide and how to do this method. But, in short, it costs less to feed CEs into a lower rarity CE (the CE bomb) and using that to raise a higher rarity CE than it does to feed CEs directly into the higher rarity CE.
11. Cookie
Cookie refers to Class Gems, a material used to level up Servant skills.
12. Door
Door refers to Door of the Champion enemies, which appear mostly in daily quests and drops QP as rewards.
13. Esports
When used as a whole, it refers to the act of minturning/Turn Attack.
When used to describe a servant, it refers to intentionally not fully raising a servant so the servant dies more easily and thus more buffers can be swapped in. The ideology is that once a servant buffs its usefulness goes down dramatically so it's more beneficial to die at that point. Esports servants are the minimum level necessary to unlock skills and are unfoued.
Common examples of esports servants are:
-Level 70 Zhuge Liang with 10/1/10 skills
-Level 70 Scathach-Skadi with 10/10/10 skills
-Level 60 Chiron with x/10/10 skills
-Level 40 Paul Bunyan with 10/1/10 skills
-Level 40 Elizabeth Lancer with 10/10/X skills
14. Facecard
Facecard is a term used to make reference to all Servant's attack cards except for their NP card.
15. Fou Paw
Fou Paw is a term used to make reference to Beast's Footprint item.
16. GSSR
GSSR stands for Guaranteed SSR, which refers to the Lucky Bag Summoning Campaigns that happen twice a year: once during the New Year Campaign and once during Anniversary. These are a one time pull per event where, by spending 15 paid quartz, you are guaranteed a 5* servant. Anniversary GSSRs are also guaranteed a 4* servant in the pull.
17. Hand
Hand refers to Arm of Dawn enemies, which appear mostly in daily quests and drop experience cards (Embers) as rewards.
18. Hogwarts
Hogwarts is a term used to make reference to Mage's Association Uniform Mystic Code.
19. Kscope / Scope / MLBscope / Superscope
Kscope, or Scope, refers to the Kaleidoscope Craft Essence.
MLBscope refers to a Max Limit Broken Kaleidoscope.
Superscope is a term used to refer a MLB Kaleidoscope that is also Lvl. 100.
20. Ladder Event
Ladder events are specific events that feature a system with points that a Master can accumulate by completing quests. When a Master reaches a certain checkpoint, it gets rewarded with ascension/skill materials, QP, Mana Prisms, etc. without needing to purchase them from a shop.
21. Lotto Event
Lotto events are specific events that feature a unique system of rewarding materials through a lottery roulette. The roulette pulls from a box that has a set of predetermined goodies in them (Ascension/skill materials, QP, experience cards, Mana Prisms, etc.).
Boxes are rolled with a specific event lottery currency that you obtain alongside the standard shop currencies. Once a box has been completely cleared out of items, it can be reset, replenishing all of the materials and other items within it.
22. Max Roll
Max Roll is a situation when a Servant deals the highest possible damage within RNG parameters. In the damage formula, the value of a max roll is equal to 1.099x.
23. Min Roll
Min Roll is a situation when a Servant deals the lowest possible damage within RNG parameters. In the damage formula, the value of a min roll is equal to 0.9x.
It can also reference the worst possible roll in a multi-quartz roll (1 4* card and 10 3* cards).
24. Node
Node is a term used to make reference to any quest in Fate/Grand Order.
25. NP Loop
NP Loop is a gameplay mechanic consisting in using a Servant’s NP and getting the necessary NP Refund to use the same NP in the next turn, without needing to use normal cards to gain NP charge. It is still a considered NP Loop if a Servant needs to use their own charge skill or receive charge from another Servant.
For more information, please refer to NP Gain and Refund.
26. NP Spam
NP Spam is a gameplay mechanic consisting in Servants using their NP and normal cards to gain enough NP charge to use the same NP again in the next turn.
The difference between NP Loop and NP Spam is that the former doesn’t rely on normal cards, while the latter uses them to fill a Servant's NP Charge gauge back to 100%.
27. Omnifarmer/Omnilooper
Omnifarmer is a servant that is used universally for the purpose of farming. Omnilooper is contextually equivalent but emphasizes more on the looping aspect, whether that be buster, arts, or quick.
Common examples of omnifarmers are:
-Space Ishtar (Astarte)
-Arjuna Alter (Junao)
-Summer Ibuki
-Archetype: Earth
28. Plugsuit
Plugsuit is a term used to make reference to Chaldea Combat Uniform Mystic Code. On JP, it can also be used to refer to the Decisive Battle Mystic Code.
29. Refund
Refund is the total NP charge that a Servant gets when attacking. The amount of refund that a Servant gets depends on many variables including: NP level, enemy HP, trait advantage, enemy class, NP gain, overkill hits, etc.
30. S1/S2/S3
S1/S2/S3 refer to a servant's first/second/third skills. For example, Siegfried's S2 is his Disengage skill.
31. Save Scumming
Save Scumming is a gameplay tactic consisting in closing the Fate/Grand Order app in the middle of a turn. This is done in order to reset the battle's RNG in case the outcome on the current turn is not favorable to the Master's strategy.
32. Spook
Spook is the situation when a Master obtains a non-rate up Servant in a gacha banner instead of the Servant on rateup.
33. Starbomb
Starbomb refers to various Craft Essences that provide crit stars when a servant equipped with that CE enters the battlefield. Examples of starbomb CEs are Golden Captures the Carp and Calamity Jane's Bond CE.
34. Steroid
Steroid is a term used to refer any type of skill that increase the damage of Servants.
35. Turn Attack (TA)
Turn Attack is a gameplay style which consists in completing a quest (usually a high difficulty quest) in the fewest amount of turns. TAs require previous preparation, a deep understanding of the game mechanics and involves a high amount of RNG. Also called minturning.
36. Welfare Servant
Welfare Servant is a term that makes reference to all 4* Servants that are given for free in events and special campaigns.
37. XCC System
XCC System refers to a team composed of a DPS servant (with an Arts type NP) and two Caster Artorias (commonly referred to as Castoria). This team is aimed at clearing three enemy waves in three turns through the NP Looping mechanic.
For more information, please refer to NP Loop.
XCC System = DPS Servant (X) + Support Castoria (C) + Own Castoria (C)
These team compositions generally have a lower barrier of entry than XSS or XVV compositions because of the lower necessity for Kaleidoscope and greater Mystic Code freedom.
38. XSS System
XSS System refers to a team composed of a DPS Servant (with a Quick type NP) and two Scathach-Skadis (either Caster or Ruler). This system usually requires the use of a Superscope and any Mystic Code (with the exception of Plugsuit) to clear three enemy waves in three turns using NP Loop mechanic.
For more information, please refer to NP Loop.
In other words, XSS is a farming system that allows Quick NP Servants to get enough charge and use their NP three times in a row without relying in normal cards, in order to farm in a time and slot efficient manner.
XSS System = DPS Servant (X) + Support Skadi (S) + Own Skadi (S)
The DPS Servant has to get enough refund (at least 49%) while performing their NP in the 1st and 2nd waves so that both Skadis (aside from the Quick cardmod and Defense Down on enemies) can compensate the remaining NP gauge.
DPS Servant Refund (49%) + Skadi's 3rd skill (50%) = 99% (the game rounds 99% as 100%)
Certain XSS compositions require specific Mystic Codes such as A Fragment of 2004.
39. XVV System
XVV System refers to a team composition of a DPS servant (with a Buster type NP) and two Koyanskaya of Lights (commonly referred to as Tamamo Vitch or just Vitch). This system usually requires the use of a Superscope while Mystic Code usage is dependent on the DPS servant's battery values and cooldown. Common MCs used in XVV comps are Atlas Academy Uniform and Plugsuit.
Unlike XCC and XSS setups, this one relies more on brute forcing battery through a combination of a servant's personal battery and support servant's batteries. The compositions are thus more akin to NP spamming. Vitch's cooldown reduction on her battery can also enable a DPS servant to use their battery twice in one fight. Because of the brute forcing of battery in these types of compositions, the number of overkill hits is irrelevant: either you kill the enemy or you don't.
You will also see Oberon prominently featured in these compositions due to his large 70% battery which is mandatory for some buster servants to reach that 300% total NP gauge amount.
XVV System = DPS Servant (X) + Support Vitch (V) + Own Vitch (V)
XVVO System = DPS Servant (X) + Support Vitch (V) + Own Vitch (V) + Own Oberon (O)