This is a new series where we highlight the changes seen in the game, which hopefully can lead to speculation and further excitement about the incoming buffs/servants etc.
The changes seen so far:
- A condition which prohibits NPing should there not be enough stars. Seems like there is someone who's going to suck, badly.
- Background Music change depending on costume. While we have seen a somewhat similar thing many time in story and CGs, this time this seems to be a gameplay change.
- A function which moves a selected servant to 6th slot. Could be a gimmick of one of the new servants incoming (Ms. Crane maybe ?)
- 4th Shoptype. Presumably for the costumes.
- New UI for Battle Result screen.
- New BGM - 'BGM_GRAIL_1' . It is there in FGO Waltz too.
- New My Room Background:

This is all what we have been able to find in this version. Look forward to more updates and reveals on our Discord as the event draws closer.