Changes made in FGO v2.32.0

This is a new series where we highlight the changes seen in the game, which hopefully can lead to speculation and further excitement about the incoming buffs/servants etc.

The changes seen so far:

  1. A condition which prohibits NPing should there not be enough stars. Seems like there is someone who's going to suck, badly.
  2. Background Music change depending on costume. While we have seen a somewhat similar thing many time in story and CGs, this time this seems to be a gameplay change.
  3. A function which moves a selected servant to 6th slot. Could be a gimmick of one of the new servants incoming (Ms. Crane maybe ?)
  4. 4th Shoptype. Presumably for the costumes.
  5. New UI for Battle Result screen.
  6. New BGM - 'BGM_GRAIL_1' . It is there in FGO Waltz too.
  7. New My Room Background:

This is all what we have been able to find in this version. Look forward to more updates and reveals on our Discord as the event draws closer.